Markup Tips:
To strike a comment
1. Either type it in or, select and copy the source text from an open window
2. If you copied, paste the text into your post
3. Surround the text with the following tags:
<font face=courier color=red><strike>Here is where your surrounded text is found.</strike></font>

You can also leave out the <strike></strike> tags and change the attributes of the font tag to your liking - other available fonts are Ariel and Verdana - this will allow you to color your text and change the face

To reference an image above your text (e.g. a banner) try the following in your poste:
1. Find the http: url of the image you want to reference - don't use copyrighted images unless you own them
2. Embedd the url in the following tag within the quotes:
<img src="http://yourimagesfulladdress" width=100% height=80><br><br>

Please only use small images. Big images take a long time to load.

If you know html:
1. Many of the markup tags will render your text in the common document
<blockquote></blockquote> will indent your material
<i></i> will italicize
<b></b> will bold
<table><tr><td></td></tr></table> will render tables with functional attributes

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