Taketo Shimada Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 8:18PM
In September 1971, Gordon Matta-Clark, together with Carol Gooden set up a restaurant named “FOOD”. In October 2004, inspired by Matta-Clarkand Gooden’s entrepreneurial spirit, Taketo Shimada suggested to Charmaine Wheatley that they host SUNDAY BLUNCH at her studio.

Taketo and Charmaine will make this a regular weekly thing and will collaborate with invited artists to design and cook menus. We hope to invite one guest cook each week who will show off their culinary skill and art. Sunday Blunch begins with Taketo and Charmaine and her roommate, Dan Rushton*.

$6 charge per person should cover the cost of materials to at least help buy raw goods for Sunday Blunches. Your support is needed in building this social arena where our aesthetic, culinary, economical, intellectual and creative needs can be met. Your presence itself is the most important but feel free to donate plates, utensils, cups and cutlery and any kitchen appliances to the blunch cause! We really need a juicer.
If you are interested in legacy of Gordon and the “Food” restaurant please look at this page:
http://www.artnet.com/Magazine/features/smyth/smyth6-4-04.asp* Dan Rushton is a self proclaimed expert pancake maker and a painter who occupies the front end of the Blunching address.
WHERE:139 South 8th Streetbetween Bedford and Driggs, one block south of Williamsburg bridge, ground floor, walk up 3 steps, doorbell on baby blue block says “CHARMAINE”. ding it a coupla times and someone’ll come to the door, come through to the back space.
Train: J to Marcy stop or L to Bedford and walk straight up Bedford for maybe 12 minutes or take the bus on Driggs up to Broadway and walk one more block to South 8th
WHAT: Sunday Blunch $6.00 Menu includes:- Eggs by Taketo- Muffins by Charmaine- Pancakes by Dan- Fresh Fruit Salad- __________- BOTTOMLESS cups of coffee or tea- Taketo will provide the perfect Back Ground Music for a Sunday Blunch.
DeLUXE options:$2.00 per Special cocktail$2.00 per glass of freshly squeezed OJ$2.00 per bowl of Oatmeal + black strap molasses or brown sugar &organic; cowmilk or soymilk
*Our ingredients are organic
Menu items available while supplies last! First come first served. Considerate smokers welcome in the garden area.
RSVP and advance PAYPAL payment, click here:
sundayblunch@vintermusik.comPlease come!
– Taketo Shimada