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Sunday, February 25th, 2007

by Jessica Higgins
College Art Association took place in Manhattan as previously mentioned, I was especially moved by the lectures of The Woman’s Caucus for Art, titled “The Art Of Being Global: International Art of International Artists.”
Mina Cheon, Professor at Maryland Institute College of Art, is an artist working cross-culturally between South Korea, North Korea and the United States. In Dizz/placement: Half Moon Eyes, Mina explores cross cultural inter-perception of female beauty. As self-image fails to be reified into key models(or stereotypes) she uncovers value contradictions between North America, South Korea and North Korea.
In her presentation, Video clips of surgery to the eyes to achieve the half moon effect are projected along with collaged images of cheerleaders and sirens and a touch-screen form of a virtual ballot booth.
“Half Moon Eyes is an interactive media installation that uses touchscreen technology… It displays a web of video clips that deal with… North Korean Women… as either military femme-bot types or mystical goddesses… dolls, sirens and national cheerleaders… beautification and objectification, constructed by and for South Korean media and tourism… a strange cultural othering… triangular relationship between America, South Korea, and North Korea.”The panel, made entirely of artist/educator/mothers was diverse in it’s forms, Lisa Kaftori and Joan Giroux both covered an art of earth and ecology which promotes international community of understanding and an interdisciplinary collabroration in their specific art works. When the panel was finished information, ideas and inspiration swirled in the room, I felt lucky to have attended this diverse and empowering group of woman educators and artists.