Re: Elaine Summers: Making Rainbows, March 28, 7pm, at Anthology Film Archives
From: Artist Organized Art
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537 Broadway, Floor 2, New York, NY 10012 (212) 925.0142
Please join us for a rare showing, live and on film,
of the great works of a great artist
Elaine Summers,
at Anthology Film Archives on March 28, 2009, 7pm.
In the Intermedia tradition, Making Rainbows is a performance created through a combination of live dancers, music and film. The retrospective begins with one of Elaine’s first Intermedia works, and includes monumental and reflective works, displaying the artistic range of a timeless creative spirit.
The evening will include musical collaborations with Carman Moore and Pauline Oliveros.
Program for the evening:
An Intermedia dance-and-film performance interpreting the movement of people at work, which premiered in 1975 at Niagara Square, Buffalo. The film was projected across a 120-foot-wide screen suspended on the columns of City Hall.
“The piece was a celebration of the creative energy of the proletariat; it connects with the concerns of Chinese Art.” –Mark Savitt, SOHO WEEKLY NEWS
TWO GIRLS DOWNTOWN IOWA (1973, 11 minutes, 16mm film, b&w) Improvised at a fast speed and projected at a slow speed, two women roam an Iowa street full of curious people
WALKING DANCE FOR ANY NUMBER (1968, 12 minutes, 16mm film, b&w) This Intermedia performance, which premiered at the NYU Theater in 1965, is for two-to-ten dancers and four projectors.
KINETIC ATHLETIC FRENZY (1969, 8 minutes, 16mm film/8mm film/slides, color) The title tells the tale: two wrestlers, badminton, football, basketball, cheerleaders, fencing, lacrosse, trampoline, running – sports as dance.
IOWA BLIZZARD (1973, 11 minutes, 16mm film, b&w) Made during the biggest blizzard in twenty years in Iowa City where Elaine Summers was artist-in-residence at the University of Iowa. Twenty students dressed in black, choreographed as they went along. A blizzard of improvisation in 16mm.
CROW’S NEST / SOLITARY GEOGRAPHY (1980, 18 minutes, 16mm film, color) An Intermedia installation of dance, film and a cubed screen construction, originally produced for the First Intermedia Festival at the Guggenheim Museum in 1980. The original music score was composed by Pauline Oliveros and some of the first performers included famed butoh dancer Min Tanaka.
“My memory is of a ravishingly beautiful environment which some extraordinary people explore, pass through, dwell in….” –Deborah Jowitt, VILLAGE VOICE
Telephone: (212) 505.5181
$9 General Admission
$8 Essential Cinema (Free for members)
$7 Students, Seniors & Children (12 & under)
$6 AFA Members
Artist Organized Art
243 5th Avenue, Suite 248, New York, NY 10016, USA
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